The Ultimate Guide to Clienteling

The retail landscape has undergone a massive shift in the face of a pandemic that confined us to our homes.

As retail stores start to reopen and life slowly returns to normal, there’s still a lot of uncertainty in people’s minds about in-store shopping. However, their desire for a personal shopping experience hasn’t changed. Many customers enjoy the safety and convenience of online shopping, but still crave human connection. Interacting with a store associate allows customers to consider their options before purchasing.

Redefining the customer experience is important for retailers to consider if they want to compete in this upcoming market.

Clienteling uses customer information to efficiently deliver personalized experiences which boost customer loyalty and satisfaction, in-store or online. This technique establishes meaningful, long-term customer connections and helps build brand trust. Virtual and in-person clienteling should be complementary, not mutually exclusive. The online and offline platforms must integrate smoothly across channels so that if a customer wants to continue a conversation in-store or online, they should have the option to do so.

To learn more about the power of clienteling, download our comprehensive eBook.